21 August 2010

Sweet Home, Alabama!

Brad and I finished our journey to Alabama on Thursday, but it officially culminated today when Brad had to fly back home :-( ... It was such a long drive and I really (really) got sick of being in the car all day, every day. Here is a breakdown of our stops (btw - I can't figure out how to do the pictures properly and my internet here is extremely slow, so I will only post a few):

Southern California - stayed at my grandparents house and visited the Reagan Library

Reagan Library, Simi Valley, CA

Phoenix, Arizona - stayed at my aunt and uncle's house and relaxed

at a Native American Indian reservation in AZ

Clovis, New Mexico - stayed at Cannon AFB...for my AF friends, do whatever you can to avoid that place. The "downtown" is 20 miles away through cow pasture and the base perpetually smells like...cow pasture.

my first Southern meal at Cracker Barrel

Fort Worth, Texas - stayed at NAS Fort Worth and went to a movie tavern where they serve you drinks and apps while you watch your movie. We also heard the new Ke$ha song "Take It Off" in Texas which, if you have heard the song, know why that counted as something memorable.

New Orleans, Lousiana - of course we stayed near Bourbon Street, but not on it luckily because it smells like what you would imagine the outside of humid dive bars would smell like. We were here for two nights, and it was a really cool place to visit. I wouldn't live there, or probably visit again, but it was fun.

Montgomery, Alabama - my new home! If you haven't heard, I'm here until October for AF things. It is super uber hot and humid, but the ammentities make up for it. Good running trails, housekeeping everyday, and free flowing beer at any given time in the quad (what do you expect from fresh out of college 20 somethings with disposable cash?).

I'm not sure how much I will be able to post, but I do really plan to blog more so my family and friends can keep in touch even if I can't call them.
