09 October 2010

I'm a Big Kid Now

Me being charitable...No I didn't photoshop myself in to this.

I've made it through ASBC (freakin' finally...) with relative ease, and ECAC (evasion & conduct after capture - SERE light, if you will) with relatively few bruises. I'm pretty sure my brain has blocked the past 7 weeks from memory as a self-preservation measure. Now all I can think about is TOMORROWIGETTOSEEBRADANDTHEDOGGIES! The drive from Montgomery, AL - Monroe, LA - Ft. Hood, TX (and tomorrow San Angelo, TX) has been easy but long because I am so anxious. We will be living in our first (rental) home tomorrow, and we are both really excited about all of the extra space - especially a nice backyard for Hank and Spencer.

I'm not sure when the defining moment is in someone's life when they finally feel like an "adult", but I certainly feel that I've arrived after researching to purchase our first washer and dryer. For me, it is best done while enjoying a glass (read: plastic hotel room bathroom cup) of fine Smoking Loon Merlot while watching Dogs 101 on Animal Planet on a Saturday night. I've decided that we need a washer that is a top-loader after I read nasty reviews about front-loaders getting moldy. Our dryer needs to be rated highly in the capacity and noise control areas. I'm still deciding if an extended warranty is really worth it...yep, I definitely think I've made it.

Post soon to follow of our new house details!

